Millennium Season 2 Episode 22
“So I looked and behold,a pale horse.
And the name of himwho sat on it was Death,and Hell followed with him.
And power was given to themover a fourth of the Earth, to killwith sword, with hunger, with death……and by beasts of the earth.” Revelation 6:8
In Wisconsin, in 1986, a farmer discovers thousands of dead birds inside his chicken coup warehouse, pools of blood encircling each cage. The farmer races for a phone, but collapses on his hands and knees, black papules having grown over his lymph nodes.
In the current day, Frank receives a visit from Richard Gilbert, an ex-FBI agent. Richard offers Frank the opportunity to join his “security dream team,” which is nicknamed The Trust. Their conversation is interrupted by news that Frank’s father has passed away. Frank, Catherine and Jordan attend the funeral, where Jordan asks questions about death. When Frank returns home, he attempts to contact Lara, but his messages go unanswered.
The body of a thirty-two year old man, Jason Molgilny, is discovered on the shore of a remote lake. Six pints of blood have spilled from the body, but there is no evidence of foul play. A pathologist, Dr. Schroeder, determines that the victim drowned in his own blood, possibly from a viral infection that overtook his body in a matter of minutes. The pathologist orders everyone who came in contact with the victim, including Frank and Watts, to be quarantined pending blood and cell sample analysis.
Sitting in his quarantine cell, Frank phones Watts and accuses him–and the Millennium Group–of knowing what caused the victim’s death. During the conversation, Watts begins reciting passages from the Book of Revelation with an almost psychotic fervor. A short time later, a team of physicians wearing hazmat suits enters Frank’s cell. Frank notices something peculiar about the men, but isn’t quite able to pinpoint the cause for his concern. A physician wearing a plain lab coat enters the cell. He explains that both Frank and Watts appear to be normal, and no known infectious agent could be located in their blood. When Frank is released, he tells Richard he is prepared to accept his offer and join The Trust. But he explains that he cannot leave the Group without “rescuing” his friends.
As the Davis family enjoys a chicken barbecue, family members are suddenly overcome by seizures. One by one they drop to the ground, seemingly sweating blood.
Catherine tells Frank that Jordan has been experiencing recurring nightmares in which a group of “bad men” enter a jungle. Shortly thereafter, angry monkeys, covered with blood, emerge from the trees. Eventually, within the dream, Jordan sees no one else in the world other than her parents, who are in a cabin in the woods. Catherine is at a loss to explain how a six-year-old girl could concoct such imagery. Frank considers the dream… then asks Catherine to find a doctor she can trust, one willing to perform some secret tests. When Catherine protests that the tests would aid the Group, Frank agrees that the Group is, in all likelihood, a cult. Unwilling to allow Jordan to grow up without a father, Frank promises Catherine he will quit the Group and return to the yellow house, where they will live as a family… as soon as he finishes one last task. Catherine arranges for Frank to meet with a doctor. He instructs the physician to perform some tests and keep the results a secret.
Richard performs some surveillance work, and learns that Watts has been in contact with Lara Means. Frank drives to a remote location where Lara is believed to be living. After overcoming a security man, Frank secretly makes his way through a wooded area, and observes a scene through binoculars. He discovers Watts presiding over a ceremony, one in which Lara is being inducted into the Millennium Group.
Frank buys Jordan a parakeet, believing it will help her deal with her feelings. He also asks her about the dreams. Jordan tells him, “we should leave the monkeys in…
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